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A1 Nova Gold Mine

A1 Nova Gold Mine

Ragnar has made a strategic investment in Kaiser Reef, a High-Grade Gold production and development company listed on the ASX: KAU. In consideration for the investment, Ragnar will receive a 1.5% NSR on all production at A1 Gold mine and become the largest shareholder, with 16.4% of KAU.

The funds will be deployed into the final stages of advancing the decline below the historical levels where it has demonstrated geological continuity and high-grade mineralisation. Kaiser Reef owns the A1 Nova Goldmine, Maldon Goldfield, and the Malden Processing Plant. In FY’13, the AI goldmine produced 11,350oz of Gold with production forecast increasing to 24kozpa.

Recent drill results at A1 Gold mine include:

  • 4.4mm @ 118g/t AU
  • 3.7m @ 68.6g/t Au
  • 12.1m @ 24.26g/t Au
  • 4.6m @ 136g/t Au